Learning Outcome 1

This year one major aspect of writing that I was really able to improve on was my ability to revise my own work. A prime example of how I was able to do this was with the second paper of the term. For this paper we got to meet with out professor to discuss what we had written for the rough draft. After my meeting I knew that my paper still had a lot of work to do and that I was going to have to do a lot of revising. I needed to make my paper more specific and less vague. After reading my paper over again I saw that some of my quotes did not really tie in with my thesis so I took out those quotes and I replaced them with other quotes from the articles we read in class that related back better to my thesis. I also made my claim sentences more specific which helped me argue my thesis and allowed the reader to get a better idea of what I was going to be arguing. In addition I feel as I got better with making the essay more personable and gave real life examples that were related to the thesis. In general I feel as if my skills for revising have improved so much since the start of the year and I am more confident in my writing.
