After reading “Is It OK to Make art?” by Rhys Southan for a second time, I think that I was able to get a better feel and idea for the text. I think the first time I read the article I was more focused on the annotation of it and not the actual text. I definitely picked up on more the second time reading. I picked up on the fact that Southan does not use any biased in the article and just uses straight facts. I also noticed how the EA paints such a negative image of artist and say that they contribute little to nothing in the effort to helping the world. After reading this for the second time my opinion of the EA changed greatly. At first, I thought that they were right with their views but now that I read it again they are giving off a message not to follow your dream and I don’t agree with that.
I was also able to get a better understanding for the reading by finding out what the word Altruism means. Altruism means”belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others”. This helped me get a better understanding for the EA’s mind set on everything and how they handle their business.