Blog #14

For me beauty is something that can’t really be defined with a definition. When I see something beautiful it makes me pause for a moment and really appreciate the true beauty for what it is. I don’t find beauty in luxury items or the next big thing, I like to look for the beauty in the small things like just taking a walk in the forest or sitting on the beach. I feel like the community at UNE has a similar view on beauty as I do. The campus itself is beautiful, there are flowers planted everywhere and incredible views everywhere. I can really tell that UNE values beauty by the way that the campus is always get in the best condition.  Armstrong’s statement, “To regard beauty as a luxury adornment or a social signifier was to miss the true potential of the experience”, I think is a great way of describing what beauty is. In today’s society I feel like everyone is always on some type of technology that they miss the true beauty in life. Hanging out with family and friends or just enjoying your surroundings is what beauty is all about. Today beauty is seen as having the newest or best thing out when in reality those things are not truly beautiful.

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