Blog #16

For this third and final essay the prompt is full of possibilities and options to base my essay off of. A major part of being able to have a good essay is to have a thesis that lets the reader know what you are going to be talking about during the essay and what side you are arguing for. The prompt is all about beauty and the experiences that you have had with beauty. To help develop a thesis I chose to focus on a smaller part of the prompt. For the part that I chose to focus on is ” How can beauty be used to help better communities”. Beauty plays a big role in communities everywhere even if people do not realize it. If you were to take a town for example, the majority of people that live there are working or have a thousand things going on in their lives. Beauty can give those people a way to relax and clear their minds. Beauty can come in tons of different forms in these communities or towns, for example having a concert in a park or common area is just one example of how beauty can be added to communities, it also allows the community to come together and be able to socialize. How I can relate to this in my own community back home there was a park that had baseball fields, basketball hoops, and a skate park that I would always go to with my friends whenever we just wanted to get away and shoot hoops. At the time I did not see this as something beautiful, but now that I am reflecting back on it I can see that this park is beautiful because the community is what made it beautiful.

Another possible question that I could possible use for my thesis is “How do we use beauty to improve everyday life”. For me since I am in college beauty is everywhere. For example I can find countless examples of beauty when I am just walking to class that is five minutes from my dorm. I will see tons of other students as-well as me listening to music through their headphones. Music is a huge part of my life and it can change how I’m feeling just based on what song comes on. Another example of beauty is just being in nature and seeing all of the beautiful things that nature has to offer us. I find that being outside in nature for even just a little bit can really help me with my day, the fresh air and beautiful plants and sights really help lift my mood. Another example is all the different types of artwork around or even in the dorm rooms. Art allows us to express ourselves and by decorating say a dorm room it makes it feel more like your own room and not just a random room that you are staying in.

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